Minstrel (Jester)
I have the King's ear With my verses When all is strict, tiresome, official He turns to me And waves in my art. The Court is hushed. Humour or moral Questions or habits. All get my glass, magnifying Brought close to some light Of scrutiny or censure Or hilarity. I can be bold, or even accusative Ironic. Such is my way Fueled by travels, muses Experience and witnessing. Bruises and benedictions. The honest folk are convicted They know I am no FOOL. I have influence in Honoured platforms. Touching severe policies. My songs speak of heroism Games of men and women Scenes of Punch and Judy. Hopes of the Heavenly. Handles on our emotions Puzzlements Providence. Music, what a tonic. Music, what a surgeon's knife. I wield it to special effect And healing. My dear gifted trait Nothing bragging.