Blonde on the streets...


She was beautiful

Long blonde hair, straight

Pink summer dress and sandals.

Twenty fivish.

Standing next to a guy

Trying to sleep in a

Cardboard box

Beside his grocery cart.

Perhaps he was sort of

A mentor for street life

Yong forties unshaven.

Nothing sexual, 

one thought 

Just a Buddy

In her newfound  bind.

She could not see

Developments of coming weeks.


Loss of teeth.

Messed hair

Skin lesions.

No footwear.

Somebody steals

her purple Crocs.

Dress traded for baggy slacks

Sweatshirt that read

One of the Great Ones.

Bodily attacks by

Leering predators.

Or jealous vixens.

How did it start?

Some bad marks

At college

Arguments with family

Ensuing drug use.

Wanting to be

Her own Woman.

Yeah right...

And now

Too stunned and tired

And self-loathing

To go back.


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