Appointed to Meet


He was a quiet young man. Pulled up with his bicycle behind me at the drugstore. locked it and went inside for some treat.

Then he just came out and lingered, listening.

I was playing my various harmonicas. Mostly improv, but with some feeling. Seated on my trusty wooden folding chair. I felt his attentiveness and appreciation back over my left shoulder. Eventually I turned and smiled and made eye contact. Neither of us was wearing a COVID facemask.

Isn't this nice, I said, no masks in the way...face to face encounter...some real community, isn't that right? And long overdue?

His response surprisingly was like fresh water spilling over a dam. You betcha! Hasn't it been a long time. I have felt so cramped and cooped up and pushed around. People haven't been talking at all! I like your music. I am glad that you are here Sir.

We talked for several minutes more. Things of the heart. A few things that had been troubling. Then he rolled off, waving back. I played something regal and upbeat. Honouring him.

Jesus would have called that "washing each other's feet".


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