
Showing posts from July, 2023

Sellers Equals Laughter


Clefs of Moher. Into a bigger arena with Stratford Symphony.


Passionately burned into a youngster.


Chinese Marries Irish. Watch Out!

  Dawn Wong   I say marry a rich man, Dawta…Oh Mom, I thought you said Marry Irishman. And Julie Kim…

Top Notch Celtic Right Here at Home


Alan Arkin Sings. Honest. He does.


Natalie in Motion

  Energy in buckets full.

Blues lesson in Lockup…BB. King


Confidence and Control from the Diaphragm…shaun smith


Messing around together


Never better than Jonathan.


Again, it's Louie


Betty...come on stage and take charge.


Luther Vandross, Sweetly.

  For these he left Motown Fast cars, bright lights Late hours Whimsical wanders. To get close to Home Hearth and happy times With loved ones Still in contact Or gone before What could be more? (Dance with my Father).

A Knack for Accents


Anna IOU.

  Alone And in a new place One carryall Off the bus Little cash and One name and address. Anne Ida had given this out Along with sixty bucks. In her precious letter. “ Anna, 235 Porter Street. Bridgewater, NS.” Taxi took twelve dollars. Chatty guy, Somalian. Been in the Dominion. Seventeen months. Little bachelor’s room. Not far from Anna’s. He knew about her. Former Yugoslavian. Spinster. Heart of gold. Big as Fundy’s Bay. Third floor apartment. Held two adjacent ones. Let out short term For peanuts to new arrivals. Got some help in this From Orthodox church. Stomped up three flights And knocked sheepishly Door opened to This plumpish woman Rosy cheeks, smiling Closely cut white hair. Apron on. It’s you…Natalia. Ida told me everything. Come, come. Coat in front closet Relieved of carryall. Simple prayer plaque With painted red roses. Beside front hall mirror. “Lord I give you this Day Use me. Sustain me.” Home…for now.

Caledonia...Barra MacNeils

 the sweetness of the Celtic breathtaking Cabot Trail we started at Baddeck and went counter clockwise. Buddy just shows up on weekends at Baddeck Town Hall. Plays with a stately woman who joins in with an upright piano. And a younger woman who teaches clog dancing at the College. Such fun!

To young Marvin Lusaka of Uganda (a recent FB friend)

  An old family photo back in the nineties.(Lauren, Doug, Jordan, Hilary). Married September 21, 1974. I am using this as a point of contact with a very frank and inquisitive young teenage man. He needs encouragement, a listening ear and supportive suggestions. This blog delivers music, joy, comedy, poetry and Gospel helps. Marvin says that he is not looking for money handouts, rather he would be interested in receiving some Bibles. I am still waiting for Marvin’s postal address. I will add it to this post once received. Others reading this might want to mail a couple of lightweight Testaments to Marvin. The outcome for him and his Village might just be phenomenal.  Put it into God’s Hands. (Something like a special written message stuffed into a bottle and tossed out to Sea.) Image showing Marvin. Big smile, strong back, high hopes. Happily involved in a local church with Pastor Julius Muleme. I think they are looking for help with Bibles. I have no mailing address yet, from ...

Jonathan was the best.


Song List for Busking. Helpful also at our Club at Rockway Centre.

  Will be useful for suggestions for songs at our Seniors’ Harmonica Club at Rockway Centre. Come join…harmonica, keyboard, button accordian, vocals.

Spooky One. Always Admired (Bach)

  And this young man hits it out of the park.

Again a tribute to poet Rienzi Crusz.

  From the volume, The Rain Doesn’t Know What Me Anymore.   Copyright Elvin Hill Publishing, 2011, Second Edition.

Robin and Brilliance: American Flag


Phil Again, Gladly

  Don't wanna do it Raise the hands stomp the feet  leave my chair. just because others are at it. And watch the show Seeming to rejoice About things real Rescuing, repaying. Nah just a bunch of hype. Led by Pros up front. But check out that one Woman over there forty-ish. Down on the knees. Talking alone. AS IF to herself. But no, rather to SOME OTHER. And perhaps getting answers. Needed most desperately. She will soon join the DANCE. HHHMMM. I better keep quiet And observe.

Men of the Deeps…we rise again


Musical Style of Madame Bolduc

  Rick Charbonneau told me about this performer. (She lived 1894-1941)

Good List of Songs for Harmonica (tried em all one afternoon, while playing in public)


Susan sings her own story. Therefore the sweet assurance.

Coming from a small Scottish town A might frumpish, ungarnished Nervous sense of humour showing. But then a pause  Entire audience still, eager Wondering. And Susan's voice exploded Like incoming beams from Heaven. With all of a Heart's Emotion, thanks  and Joy. New Star had arrived. Audience roared their approval. Simon simply smiled.

Jimbo, My Busking Friend (all smiles and tunes).

  Jim Haynes, peculiar sort of hero for these days. Knew him years before  Playing by the  Grocery  Store  Good guitar  And folk songs  Most  would  know.  Tambourine,  harmonicas  too.  Any time of day  would  do. Gospel getting new emphasis.  Misty,  chilly  times too.  This his  source  of cash  His store.  Handyman yes, on the side  Subdivisions, Boss  would  ride.  Boss who died of  Heart ills, in Jim’s arms.  Work-friend,  never  meaning harm.  Jim, my friend  Without an  ounce  of pride About this poem A real life friend Jim Haynes of Kitchener. We busk together sometimes. 

Challenge for Mel Gibson

  Remember Passion of the Christ Remember Braveheart Remember Apocalypto? All wonderful films Birthed by Mel. Redeeming messages. In a Hollywood otherwise Sold out to  Silly superheroes And zany romances. Then came his shameful impaired Driving incident Making trouble for a Cop Who was Jewish. Bad press Bad innuendo Bad emotional crusis Sorry for Mel. Then came a number of Film noir stories. Only so-so. Around that time  I had an idea. Sent a letter to Mel’s Producers in London England. I suggested a role that was  An interesting mix Of Gospel and bygone Scotland under pressure. The twenty years of Scottish Covenanters (1660 to 1680) A time when preachers of  Solid stuff refused To swear an Oath to The King’s Anglican formats Appointing godless puppies, Bishops serving The King’s Agenda. And not Jesus Christ As Monarch of His Church. The fight was on Dragoons in fiery mode Captures. Imprisonments. Tortures. Executions following Ghoulish dis-embowelments. Parishi...

Good Going Louie

  was his Dad really that grumpy. I hope not.